The government is lying about the effectiveness of masks. Heres wh…

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The government is lying about the effectiveness of masks. Heres why.



2 months ago


The question of whether masks work or not has been a controversial issue mainly because few are willing to engage in the finer details of mask usage and hygiene.

On top of that limited discourse, those in the government and the media have lied about mask needs from the beginning, with Fauci himself admitting that he said to not wear masks at first.

See: Fauci says he doesn't regret telling Americans not to wear masks at the beginning of the pandemic

QUOTING: "I don't regret anything I said then because in the context of the time in which I said it, it was correct. We were told in our task force meetings that we have a serious problem with the lack of PPEs," he said.

Bear in mind that Fauci is lying here by his own standards because his view was not that people did not need PPE, but that he wanted to preserve what PPE existed for healthcare workers.

He said something UNTRUE by his own standards to get people to lay off of buying masks for a bit.